Reading I Is 53:10-11 |
Responsorial Psalm Ps 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22 |
Reading II Heb 4:14-16 |
Gospel Mk 10:35-45 or 10:42-45 |
Rough notes
1924 cornerstone
pink ceiling in nave, blue ceiling in sanctuary, metal crucifix and tabernacle, wooden ambo, suspended canopy, dark wooden wall behind crucifix, round backlit pictures of saints.
Worship, 3 ed sans readings, Today's Missal, bilingual
Readers: blue robes
EMHC: maroon robes
psalm: refrain sung by choir (quartet), verses recited by reader
ferry accident
people helped
apostles' deaths enumerated
collection: parade to front
choir anthem, piano accompaniment, rest organ
metal ciboriums and chalices
all stood after Oratre Fratres response
Hand-holding at Our Father
wandering about for SOP
fully-vested deacon poked his nose from sacristy but retreated in shame
stood for closing prayer then sat for announcements
those who never were at this church before were invited to stand and introduce themselves; tedious rubbish; hid behind column
more long announcements
half left before closing hymn complete